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I am an overweight 30 year old female on her way to being healthier. About 7 years ago I lost 75 lbs and was at my goal weight. All I needed was to be more defined and I would have been completely happy. I was a spin instructor and Group X instructor studying to become a personal trainer. I had dreams of opening a spin studio and growing it into a mini personal training Studio. I was going to move to California to expand my business. But then I let life, friends and partying change all of my plans. I did move to California, I did NOT open a studio. Instead I gained all the weight that I had lost and then some. I made excuses for why I was gaining the weight back. I was stressed with work, it was my Poly-cystic Ovaries causing all of it, couple bad break-ups and I was still working out so I didn't understand why I continued to gain the weight back. Well I knew why I just didn't want to admit it. I was eating and drinking whatever I wanted. You can't exercise away poor nutrition. I moved back home and figured that since I was back home around family I would drop the weight and all would be right with the world again..... WRONG. My mind still wasn't in it. Yes I worked out every day but I didn't change my eating habits. I even gained 20 lbs after moving home. I have now been home for 4 years and I am finally getting results. I got tired of making excuses for myself and my eating. I used to be a gym rat but now I work out at home every morning before I start work. It is my passion. If I miss a day I get very crabby. It isn't easy coming to terms with why you are making the excuses but once you do you will be a happier person for it. I am currently down 30 lbs and still have so far to go but I am happy with the slow progress because I know I am doing it right an am making it my new lifestyle.  My next goal is a physique competition in July 2015!!  :)  I just started Round 1 of Body Beast.........It's on!!!


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